
Wonka Kids Tickets Available Now!

We are so excited for Bancroft's production of Willy Wonka! The play will be put on by students in grades 3-5 at Bancroft. The kids have been working hard and are gearing up for the in-school performance on Wednesday, April 10 (day, students only) and evening...

Bingo for Books on 4/4

Join our principal Mrs. Leavitt at Bingo for Books Thursday night (4/4), 6-7pm in the Bancroft cafeteria! Sign up here:

Save the Date: Progressive Dinner

The PTO is excited to be bringing back the Progressive Dinner! Registration will be starting in early April but sign up for being a Progressive Dinner host starts NOW... The first FIVE volunteers that sign up to host a Dinner House will receive flowers for your...

New Parent’s Social! Flower Making at Konjoian’s

Join Bancroft parents for the first outing in a series of adults-only social events designed to foster connections within our community. We invite you to a flower arranging workshop at Konjoian's Greenhouses on Thursday, March 28th at 6:30pm to make your own...

Town Elections 3/26

Andover’s Annual Town Election will be held on Tuesday, March 26. Voters will have the opportunity to select candidates for Town Moderator, Select Board, School Committee, Trustees of the Punchard Free School, Andover Housing Authority, and Greater Lawrence Regional...

Special Town Meeting: 3/11

A resident-petitioned Special Town Meeting will be held on Monday, March 11 beginning at 7:00pm at the Collins Center for the Performing Arts at Andover High School, 80 Shawsheen Road. All registered voters in the Town of Andover are eligible to attend and vote at the...

PTO Volunteer Cancellation Policy

We couldn't accomplish a fraction of what we do without the amazing support of our families and the volunteers who help make each and every event a success. We understand that life is unpredictable and sometimes our volunteers have to cancel at the last minute. But we...

Art to Remember Available Now!

Bancroft is once again participating in a creative fundraiser with Art to Remember that allows you to purchase keepsake products customized with your child's art. There are over 60 products and many are less than $15. These make great gifts and a percentage of every...

Community Read Along 3/22: Volunteers Needed

The annual Bancroft Community Read Along will take place at Bancroft on Friday, March 22. Twenty-five town officials, community leaders, retired teachers, and other community members will visit Andover classrooms to share their love of reading. Parent volunteers are...

PTO Meeting This Tuesday (3/12)

Mark your calendars for our next PTO Meeting, scheduled for Tuesday, March 12 at 7:00pm in Bancroft's Media Center. A virtual meeting link will also be shared on our social media channels the day of the meeting for those who can't join us in person. All are welcome! ...

School Play Announcement Coming Soon

We are working on nailing down the details for the school play this year. Nothing is official yet, but we should know in the next few days whether we can move ahead or not. If we can, rehearsals are tentatively scheduled for before school on Mondays and Wednesdays...

Bancroft PTO Newsletter

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