A message from Dr. Forsman in the May 15th Bancroft Bits school email update:

Please note this CLARIFICATION: At this time Bancroft is looking for donations of items you may already have around your home. There is no request for parents to buy anything new from the list of suggested donations (list in bold below).


You are probably asking what is a Maker Space. It is a place where children can explore how to build different objects, inventions, or gadgets. The objective of the Maker Space is to provide children the freedom of innovative experimentation and exploration. The Maker Space allows students to learn to be creative in their expression of thoughts and ideas.

How do we help children accomplish this objective? We create a area that has the materials, tools and the appropriate space to spread out and work alone or collaboratively with others. The end product is either a new creation or a representation of an idea.

What does Bancroft need to get started on a Maker Space? We need materials for the children to use for their projects. We are starting our Maker Space by concentrating on collecting craft type materials. A list is shown below that includes many of the items that will help us start our Maker Space.

We also will need shelving and containers to organize and store all of our materials.

What we are asking from our Bancroft community is donations that will help us get started. Materials can be specifically listed on the list below, or any other item that may be useful.

We will be having a Bancroft Maker Space Materials Drive the week of May 18th. Please send any items you would like to donate to school with your child, or drop them off at Bancroft. We will have an evening collection Tuesday, May 19th from 5:30 – 7:00 pm.

With your help we hope to create a new space in June for children and teacher to explore and generate ideas for future use. For those that are brave and innovative, we a hoping the space will be available to begin used by the end of the school year.


Thank you from the Bancroft Maker Space Committee,

Vicky Wu Davis, Parent Representative 

Steve Sanborn, PreK-12 Science Program Coordinator

Tim Harkins, Bancroft Digital Learning Specialist

Nancy Snow, Bancroft Librarian

Vivian McNeeley, ELL Teacher

Joanne Najarian, Director of Digital Learning

Mal Forsman, Bancroft Principal


Maker Space Items 

Paper clips

Mailing labels

Pipe cleaners

Ping pong balls

Popsicle sticks


Rubber bands

Hole punchers




Plastic cups

Tooth pics

Duct tape

Card board

Oak tag


Aluminum foil

Wax paper

Syran wrap




Elmers glue


Wire (All different widths)

 Egg cartons

Recycled plastic containers

Paint brushes

Butcher paper

Wine bottle corks

Glue guns

Glue sticks

Bottle caps


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