Spring Learning Labs Signups Extended to 2/12

We have a handful of Learning Lab classes that are in jeopardy of being canceled due to low or no enrollment.  We're extending signups...

New Bancroft Spiritwear Offerings for a Limited Time (2/2)!

We are partnering with downtown's own Andover Collection to bring some new Spiritwear to Bancroft students!   ORDERING IS OPEN NOW THROUGH...

PTO Seeking Volunteers for Soon-To-Be Open Positions

We don’t typically start planning for the following school year until the spring. However, we have a few parent volunteers currently...

Text Message Alerts Now Available!

We now offer text message alerts! This is a new service and we're still getting a feel of how we'd like to use it. Our goal isn't to go...

PTO Volunteer Cancellation Policy

We couldn't accomplish a fraction of what we do without the amazing support of our families and the volunteers who help make each and...

CORI Checks Needed for All Volunteers (Each School Year!)

Andover Public Schools require a new Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI) check every year for anyone who volunteers at a school or...

Need Spiritwear?

Get ready for the new school year with some Bancroft Spiritwear, including shirts, hoodies, headbands, and winter hats. The first...

The Bancroft PTO conducts fundraisers each year through the hard work of the PTO and the participation of the Bancroft parent community.  The fundraising proceeds support numerous cultural arts programs and curriculum enrichment activities for our children. A large percentage of the money generated goes directly back to the Bancroft teaching staff for use in the classroom, and for grade level programming. For detailed information on how our fundraising activities have impacted the Bancroft community, click here.

Bancroft PTO Bobcat Newsletter

Looking for the latest news and you missed our last newsletter email blast? Or maybe you’re looking for information from a previous PTO Bobcat newsletter. We’ve got you covered!

Sign Up Here!

Click the button to the right to sign up for events, or to see the various ways in which you can support the Bancroft School community – whether it’s by volunteering, or buying school spirit wear, there are many ways to contribute.

Current Calendar

Current Month

Bancroft PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) reserves the right to use any photograph/video taken at any event sponsored by Bancroft PTO.  Bancroft PTO may use the photograph/video(s) in publications including but not limited to: websites, social media, brochures, flyers, posters, newspapers, etc.  To ensure the privacy of the photograph/video(s) subjects, media will not be published using identifying information of any kind.  Any person attending a Bancroft PTO event who does not wish to have their image recorded should make their wishes known to the event photographer and/or the event organizers. Any individual or organization not affiliated with Bancroft PTO may not use our photographs, graphics, videos or any other form of media without the advance written permission of an authorized Bancroft PTO board member.

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